Cookies Policy


With users' consent, we employ essential cookies and similar tools on our website to improve the performance of our website and enhance our users' experience. The data collected by essential cookies used on our websites does not enable us to identify specific users.

In addition to our cookies and other tools, our websites allow the installation of third-party cookies (such as cookies placed by the browser you use). These cookies allow the collection of data that makes it possible to identify users (such as IP addresses). In relation to data collected by third party cookies, J. Carranca Redondo only has access to the data properly processed in order to enable statistical analysis, without being able to identify individual users. You can, however, delete and/or disable cookies previously stored on your device.

For more information on how J. Carranca Redondo collects and processes personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy, available on this page.


A cookie is a small text file that a web system installs on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. These files allow the website, for a certain period of time, to "remember" your actions and preferences, namely your username, chosen language, character size and other display settings. This is why, when you scroll through the pages of a site or return to a site you have already visited, you do not, in principle, have to re-enter your preferences.

Certain cookies contain personal information - for example, if you click on "remember me" or "remember me" when logging in, a cookie will store your username and/or access permissions. Most cookies do not collect information that allows users to be identified, and are limited to collecting information of a more general nature such as the origin of users arriving at the site, or the non-exact location of the user.


Most of the cookies used by our websites are essential cookies, i.e. strictly necessary for the functioning of the site. Examples of these types of cookies are: user input cookies; authentication cookies; cookies from multimedia content playback software.

The essential cookies we use collect usage and site navigation data and are placed to improve the performance of our websites and our users' experience.

We also use non-essential cookies, placed by third parties on our websites for marketing and promotion purposes of J. Carranca Redondo Lda. brands, such as cookies placed on our websites by Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook. This type of cookies allows us to analyze user behavior on the website and the interaction of these same users with online advertisements of J. Carranca Redondo Lda. brands. At the same time, they allow personalized advertisements to be made to a certain target audience based on interests or needs previously registered in the cookies in question. It should be noted, however, that cookies used for marketing or promotional purposes do not store personal information that would allow direct identification of users.


You can delete all cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device or activate an option available in most browsers that prevents their installation. If you do this for the essential cookies that we place, your use of our websites may be compromised because the cookies we use are found to be necessary for their operation. If you choose to remove third-party cookies placed on our websites, you may need to manually set some preferences each time you visit a site and risk disabling certain services and features. For more information about third-party cookies, and how to remove them, please refer to the following pages according to the browser you use:

1. Microsoft Internet Explorer

2. Google Chrome

3. Mozilla Firefox

4. Apple Safari